Together We Can Make a Difference Unleash Your Faith Empower Your Life

Welcome to The McDuffie Project! The power of God’s word is immense., yet many people go through life never really understanding it. Our mission here is to help change that. Our mission is to help you learn and understand God’s word so you can go out and help others struggling on their journey with Christ.

The McDuffie Project teaches you to read, study, and understand the Bible for yourself. The Bible is full of promises for those who believe, and yet so many people never see those promises come to fruition.

 With a focus on biblical teachings and practical applications, we strive to empower your journey. We want to help you know God’s word, interpret it, and be able to explain it.

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Understanding Faith

 There is no question that the believer’s faith in Christ is essential for salvation. Christ Himself said, “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John

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